Millions faithfully tune in their television sets week after week to television shows such as 24, Entourage, and Grey’s Anatomy. Modern day television has evolved quite dramatically from its predecessor 20 years ago. In todays world, television shows contain complex plot lines, a dramatic shift from the simple plot lines which appeared in television shows years ago. Some believe that this complex plot makes individuals smarter which I agree with. However, I also believe that these shows are also creating individuals who struggle to stay focused and think on their own.
Creators of modern television have created a scheme. A scheme which in an essence hooks viewers into the television shows they watch. By using a complex line of plot, these creators effectively create an addictive form of entertainment. Within modern shows, each episode builds on the previous, both emotionally and intensity wise. It is common for television shows to contain cliff hangers and drastic story “arcs.” Often times shows also will introduce a new problem once a problem is solved. Viewers are addicted and feel an urge to watch every show. In the end, television has evolved into devise which constantly makes its viewers think. Viewers must think both critically and creatively about what will happen next or even what is currently occurring in these shows. This thinking has made these shows more entertaining for individuals to watch.
Steven Johnson analyzes this shift within television in his article “Watching TV Makes You Smarter.” Steven believes that the “constant thinking” that these television shows require makes viewers smarter. His reason behind this is that people now have to watch TV shows from the beginning to the end and think critically about what is going on, in-order to fully comprehend what is going on. This is because of all the complex situations. Plots of modern television go on for several episodes, sometimes even years. One cannot just watch one episode and fully understand everything that is occurring within the television show. Because of the thinking that undergoes during the viewing of a modern television show, Steven believes that television makes individuals smarter.
I agree with Steven when he says “modern television makes its viewers smarter”. However, I also believe that it is making these viewers more helpless at the same time. These shows make you think subconsciously. Viewers may be getting smarter, but they don't realize it. These shows are addictive and entertaining, which leads to its viewers who area accustomed to being entertained effortlessly. I believed that this creates lazy individuals who only do whats fun. This is often seen in children, one of the major groups of viewers of these television shows, who refuse to do their school work because its “boring.” These viewers are also apart of a growing trend of individuals who need stimulation to critically think, which will hurt them during both their working and educational careers.
Modern television is creating a lazy society which only thinks in situations that individuals deem entertaining. Creators of modern television create these complex plot lines out of greed. With viewers hooked in and addicted to the plots of the shows, viewings and thus ratings of these shows dramatically increase, which increases the over revenues of these shows. With an increase in profits these creators can build even bigger extravagant Hollywood mansions, all at the expense of society.
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