Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Change in Modern Culture

The article What Is It About 20-Somethings? by Robin Marantz Henig discusses the growing trend where people in their 20s are becoming more dependent than previous generations on their parents for support, and as a result individuals are starting to develop slower than what we saw in previous generations. In previous generations, kids used to follow the “traditional cycle” where immediately following school they would go and get a job, get married at a young age and immediately have children becoming completely dependent from their parents. However, an increasingly large number of kids are waiting to get jobs, waiting to an older age, and even going as far as moving in with their parents and not leaving the house till their 30’s. According to Robin Henig, a large number of phycologists are becoming worried about the growing trend. Despite this, I believe that their is nothing to be worried about. 
Lets face it times have changed, the world is a completely different place than it was when our parents were growing up. New technologies such as cell phones, internet, and the evolution of other computer-like devises has enabled our generation to communicate in ways that where not even thought possible ten years ago. A decade ago, kids were more distant from their parents than the kids of todays world. If you wanted to talk to your parents you would have to wait till you where home to make a call on a conventional telephone and hope the person who you were calling was nearby the phone. In present day everyone carries around cellphone, which enables them to communicate to just about anyone else in a matter of seconds, whether it would be by text or phone. With a computer and software such as skype you can even participate in live face-to-face conversation. These revolutions has enabled the parent and child “relationship” to become closer than ever. Kids away from home at school or wherever they may be can carry on a conversation with their parents whenever they wish. This is where I believe the cause of this slow maturing “issue” lies. Previously kids where completely on their own when they left home and FORCED into adulthood. They could not call whenever they wish and get advise from their mom and dad in a matter of seconds, kids had to make decisions on their own. This had caused kids in modern day to become “over-connected” with their parents. 
Parents who are over-connected with their kids are more likely not to “let go”. I know of kids who are so close to their mom or dad that they consider them their “best-friends”. I believe that this is something that should be frowned upon more so than it currently is. This over-attachment make parents afraid to “let-go”. In fear of losing a “friend” Parents are afraid to say no when their kids are asking for something, such as money, even when they know that it may not be in the best interests of their child. Because of this children remain dependent upon their parents until old age, resulting in the growing trend that is currently being seen.

1 comment:

  1. Good response, Michael. Your attention to both the article's content as well as your own opinions made for a well-rounded essay.
